Up Theater pictures by Magda Molin » Mot gryningen (Winterset) Prev Next Slideshow

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  mot gryningen6_bbb.jpg - Garth, Rabbi Esdras's son (Ulf Johanson) who was once part of a gang and witnessed the murder that was blamed on the socialist Romagna. He is the one who knew who the real murderer was. He has had to hide out in fear ever since the murder took place, fear of the real murderer, Trock Estrella.  
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Garth, Rabbi Esdras's son (Ulf Johanson) who was once part of a gang and witnessed the murder that was blamed on the socialist Romagna. He is the one who knew who the real murderer was. He has had to hide out in fear ever since the murder took place, fear of the real murderer, Trock Estrella. Download
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